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Get nature on your balance sheet

Landler is the world's first operating system bridging business and nature. A new toolset for land stewards and businesses to manage natural capital.


The status quo doesn’t work. Today, the failure of natural systems is our single biggest risk​: to businesses, economies and societies.

Industry Area
"Energy companies warn assets at impairment risk"
Maize cultivation
“Global economic losses from natural disasters mounted to USD 275 billion”
Swiss Re report 2022
Burning Forest
“Two insurance giants pulled back from California’s home insurance marketplace, quoting wildfires

“In the future, degradation and collapse of ecosystems will determine business value, more than capital markets will.”

by Sonja & Martin Stuchtey

our vision

A new asset class.
Nature Equity

The Landbanking Group exists to stop and reverse nature loss, and to drive global prosperity for the long-term. We do that by establishing a new asset class that shifts land-use incentives towards nature positive practices: this is Nature Equity

Asset Layer

Investors hold (fiduciary-grade) nature equity asset

Digital Layer

Natural capital is digitally represented

landuser layer

Land stewards make land use choices

biophysical layer

Nature provides ecosystem value

Businesses invest into trusted assets
Market access and exchange
Asset origination and issuance
Value assessment and representation
Land stewards make land-use choices
Nature provides ecosystem value

The Landbanking Mission:
Leverage technology to build trust and align interests between nature, business and humanity - manifested in a new asset class: Nature Equity


Three technological building blocks form an integrated system

TLG follows a scientific logic for a systemic approach for Nature Equity and its future market infrastructure V - A - M

01. Value:
Tracking nature, polygon by polygon

Our Measurement, Reporting and Verification ("MRV") technology tracks biodiversity, carbon, water and soil quality. We use Earth observation, in-situ data and AI to generate Natural Capital Accounts.

02. Asset:

Issuing Nature Equity

We issue contracts that convert any measured uplift in natural capital into a (balance-sheet grade) asset that can be transacted.

03. Market:

Investing into Nature

We allow businesses, investors and individuals to hold, transact and manage their Nature Equity assets, to become nature-positive, comply with legislation, and protect against nature risks.

Who benefits from it?

We focus on 3 groups:

For Land Stewards

Nature Equity assets reward land stewards for regenerative land practices

For Businesses

Nature-dependent companies invest directly in nature uplift on their journey to nature-positive, resilience and full compliance

For Finance

Financial institutions become intermediaries in the fast growing market for nature-based assets

Case studies

Landler in action

grapes on a tree

Helping a South African producer switch to regenerative practices

South Africa
Carpe Diem is using Landler to measure the impact of historical regenerative practices on its land, and to use this data to enter into Nature Equity agreements with food distributors.
Carpe Diem is using Landler to measure the impact of historical regenerative practices on its land, and to use this data to enter into Nature Equity agreements with food distributors.
Coffee Harvesting

Making it easy for a coffee distributor to meet compliance requirements

Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia
Slow Coffee is using Landler to inset within its supply chain. As a first step, it onboarded their growing partners in Laos onto Landler, gaining a deeper understanding of the impact regenerative practices and receiving data to share with legislators and investors. 
Slow Coffee is using Landler to inset within its supply chain. As a first step, it onboarded their growing partners in Laos onto Landler, gaining a deeper understanding of the impact regenerative practices and receiving data to share with legislators and investors. 

Creating regenerative agreements between farmers and suppliers

followfood is using Landler to understand and track the impact of regenerative practices across its supply chain, creating outcome-based payments for its suppliers, and helping to guide investment decisions in the future.
followfood is using Landler to understand and track the impact of regenerative practices across its supply chain, creating outcome-based payments for its suppliers, and helping to guide investment decisions in the future.
our partners

A global effort

The systemic shift towards nature positive decision-making requires collaboration. We’re proud to be part of internationally recognised networks and to partner with world-leading institutions.

image of a drone shot from rice fields above