Investors hold (fiduciary-grade) nature equity asset
Get nature on your balance sheet
Landler is the world's first operating system bridging business and nature. A new toolset for land stewards and businesses to manage natural capital.

The status quo doesn’t work. Today, the failure of natural systems is our single biggest risk: to businesses, economies and societies.
“In the future, degradation and collapse of ecosystems will determine business value, more than capital markets will.”
by Sonja & Martin Stuchtey
A new asset class.
Nature Equity
The Landbanking Group exists to stop and reverse nature loss, and to drive global prosperity for the long-term. We do that by establishing a new asset class that shifts land-use incentives towards nature positive practices: this is Nature Equity
The Landbanking Mission:
Leverage technology to build trust and align interests between nature, business and humanity - manifested in a new asset class: Nature Equity
Three technological building blocks form an integrated system
TLG follows a scientific logic for a systemic approach for Nature Equity and its future market infrastructure V - A - M
01. Value:
Tracking nature, polygon by polygon
Our Measurement, Reporting and Verification ("MRV") technology tracks biodiversity, carbon, water and soil quality. We use Earth observation, in-situ data and AI to generate Natural Capital Accounts.
02. Asset:
Issuing Nature Equity
We issue contracts that convert any measured uplift in natural capital into a (balance-sheet grade) asset that can be transacted.
03. Market:
Investing into Nature
We allow businesses, investors and individuals to hold, transact and manage their Nature Equity assets, to become nature-positive, comply with legislation, and protect against nature risks.
We focus on 3 groups:
Landler in action
A global effort
The systemic shift towards nature positive decision-making requires collaboration. We’re proud to be part of internationally recognised networks and to partner with world-leading institutions.





