Nature Equity:
A New Type of Asset
Nature Equity is a new asset class that strives to be the hardest currency for nature.

A new asset class.
Nature Equity
The Landbanking Group creates trusted market infrastructure that enables land stewards to accrue natural capital and businesses to invest into it. Nature and investments are dynamically and traceably linked through a digital natural capital account.
The Landbanking Mission:
Leverage technology to build trust and align interests between nature, business and humanity - manifested in a new asset class: Nature Equity
We have released the Nature Equity Consultation Paper. Share your feedback!

Nature Equity benefits:
The Landbanking Group creates a new market infrastructure that enables land stewards to deliver nature improvements and businesses to fund them. Payments for Nature Services can become tradable assets, just like any other asset.
For Land Stewards
Farmers and Foresters
Helping farmers and foresters to obtain benefits and increase land value through regenerative practices.
Measuring preservation and restoration outcomes can help conservancies secure reliable funding sources for the long term.
Land Owners
Providing a platform for land owners to register, monitor and improve the natural capital of their land.
For land funds or trust
Manage a land portfolio towards maximum natural capital uplift in order to increase value and tap new incomes stream.
Businesses - Insetters
Agri-food, cosmetic and material companies
Manage scope 3, transition towards nature-positive and climate resilient sourcing, and turn sustainability spending into a balance-sheet asset.
Construction, real estate and infrastructure operating companies
Move existing and newly built infrastructure towards a biodiversity-, water- and climate-positive footprint.
Industrial, energy and resource companies
Co-produce ecosystem services on associated land in order to reduce impairment or other asset risks, tap new incomes streams and extend the operating license.
Business - Offsetters
Regulated businesses
Almost all legislations are restricting access to land for conversion unless a proof of equivalence-payments is made. We are turning these payments into investments.
Voluntary offsetters
Moving to nature positive requires action beyond the value chain. Voluntary action is increasingly rewarded by markets, regulators and accountants. Our solution makes it convenient and financially safe.
To both assess and mitigate nature-related asset risks insurers require technology-based solutions that work across geographies and ecosystem types.
Offering a solution investors, sovereign and commercial, institutional and private to invest into verifiable nature capital uplift based on a trusted underlying: our natural capital accounts.
Finance and service Nature Equity agreements for customers, and issue financial products based on Nature Equity.
“In my lifetime, I’ve witnessed a terrible decline. In yours, you could and should witness a wonderful recovery.”