Natural capital management platform for your portfolio.
Rapidly assess natural capital of assets, standardize nature data along your portfolio, incentivize land use change, book positive nature outcomes as green assets on your balance sheet.
Rapid, scalable assessment of natural capital.
Current stocks + potential.
We triangulate data from remote sensing, ground truthing and public sources, and leverage AI/machine learning and biophysical process modeling for accuracy. Minimize the need for manual data collection, speed up business decisions by months.

Trust the data.
We aggregate the best solutions on the market and supplement them with our own scientific models. We use a mix of satellite and ground data.
Learn about our technology

Apple to apple comparisons across your portfolio.
Aligned with UN SEEA guidelines, aggregates data in Natural Capital Accounts, which can be used to monitor standardized ecological KPIs across your entire portfolio, near real-time.

Run incentive programs. Monitor results at scale.
Reward land operators based on measured performance. Run incentive programs with unparalleled transparency and integrity.

Turn natural capital improvements into monetary return.
Landler turns units of natural capital stock preservation or improvement into Natural Capital Units. These units can be sold to buyers or held for value appreciation, with the ability to book them as green assets on the balance sheet.

Restore nature. Create value. Now.