The platform to monitor and invest in nature.
Get real-time data about carbon, soil, biodiversity and water. Invest in nature restoration or preservation. Book the investments as assets on your balance sheet. All in one platform. is where businesses and land stewards invest in, and get rewarded for nature-positive outcomes.
For businesses
Use our MRV tools to track the impact of regenerative practices, and our investment platform to support actions that protect your supply chain for the long-term.
For Land Stewards
Use our verified measurement technology (MRV) to understand the state of natural capital on your land, and our investment platform to be rewarded for regenerative practices.
Best-in-class technology and science
Our AI-based measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) models, fed by geospatial and ground data, measure the biophysical aspects across carbon, water and biodiversity.

Measure and track natural capital
Our AI-based MRV, fed by geospatial data and ground data, measures the status of natural capital in supply chains - across carbon, water, biodiversity and soil. We monitor continuously, allowing businesses to track the impact of regenerative practices over time.
Invest in your supply chain
View the natural capital accounts of suppliers and propose investments to help them switch to regenerative practices. Our MRV enables continuous tracking of investment performance. Using Landler, businesses now book these investments as assets on their balance sheets, instead of expenses in their P&L.

you are in good company
Leading companies use Landler to become nature-positive.
Landler in action
Begin your journey today.