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Transforming degraded soil into productive forests


Reap the rewards of partnering with Brazilian farmers for many years to come.

Invest in and support small to medium sized farms to build resilient agroforestry systems that maintain local flora and fauna, protect the soils and promote regenerative farming methods.

Forward purchase of natural capital units

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about the originator

Leaving no farmers behind to regenerate Brazilian landscapes

Belterra is a Brazilian agroforestry, operational and project development company focused on transforming degraded lands into productive forests by partnering with small and medium farmers since 2019.

Belterra is a certified B Corp and part of the UN Global Compact, emphasising their aim to support positive systemic changes for people and the planet.

Belterra implements agroforestry systems, manages and sells commodities, as well as link farmers with technical experts, banks, consultants, universities, and logistics providers, ensuring access to credit, implementation services, and market connections.

Belterra has analysed with the support of experts over 34 crops to create sustainable agroforestry systems tailored to regional specifics, crop interactions, and commercial potential. Farmers plant crops like cocoa, banana, and cassava, combining short and long-cycle species to regenerate land while ensuring profitability from the first year. So far, millions of seedlings have been planted across thousands of hectares.

Increasing biodiversity in sustainable productive forests

Belterra engages in the regeneration of degraded soil into agroforestry systems. They arrange productive forests to regenerate the soil and increase its productivity to make sure farmers benefit from most profitable crop combination. Short-cycle crops begin to be harvested in the first year, generating revenue as the main species grow.

Polyculture includes planting an arrangement of mixed plant species simultaneously to improving the diversity of species and the resilience of the ecosystem.

Monitoring of endemic and at-risk species to ensure populations are stable or improving overtime. If species are decreasing, then the land steward knows they need to intervene.

The Belterra Institute promotes sustainable innovation through research and knowledge sharing to help rural communities adopt regenerative agriculture. Key initiatives include agroforestry, land restoration, and offering technical and financial support to farmers. The Ciclo de Diálogos Agroflorestais facilitates expert discussions on sustainable practices. Additionally, the Belterra project empowers rural women by integrating them into the honey production chain via stingless bee cultivation, contributing to both environmental conservation and economic opportunities

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community impact

Increasing biodiversity in sustainable productive forests

Belterra engages in the regeneration of degraded soil into agroforestry systems. They arrange productive forests to regenerate the soil and increase its productivity to make sure farmers benefit from most profitable crop combination. Short-cycle crops begin to be harvested in the first year, generating revenue as the main species grow.

impact so far

Be part of the Brazilian soil regeneration revolution

Belterra onboarded on Landler in August 2023 with nine hundred hectares that belong to 14 cacao farmers across four areas in Brazil.


44,3 ha

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129 t/ha
1133,0 m³/ha


654 ha

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56,8 t/ha
1099,0 m³/ha

FIAGRO Mato Grosso

160 ha

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40,5 t/ha
994,0 m³/ha

FIAGRO Rondonia

42,9 ha

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32,5 t/ha
1086,0 m³/ha

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future plan

902 down - Over 3,000 to go

Belterra plans to onboard an additional 3,000+ ha onto Landler and with the analysis and improvement of the current agroforestry indicators, more uplift units can be measured and invested in.

what are natural capital units

Natural capital units are the new best way to allocate your sustainability budget.

Contributions, not offsets

Natural capital units are proactive investments into nature restoration, not compensations for damage. Nature is an asset that needs to be invested in, not a price we pay.

Invest in nature, not only carbon

Carbon offsets only focus on CO2. Nature units allow you to invest into water, biodiversity, carbon and soil.

Outcome-based, not promises

Natural capital units are only issued when improvement is measured. You can purchase existing units or enter into forward-purchase agreements.

Get started

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